Accepted Payment Methods
You can order Super Student Study Planner using various payment methods.
Payment Method 01: Google Pay / Paytm / Other UPI Based Payments.
Step 01: Make payment of ₹734 (699₹ Planner Cost + 5% GST) using below Animate Aishu Business account and send your payment proof along with correct shipping address, Email ID, valid phone number & pin code to our email - / on following WhatsApp number : +91 8122 735 867
UPI ID: 8122735867@okbizaxis
Paytm Number: 8122 735 867
Step 02: We will verify the payments, and generate manual order confirmation. Your shipping will be processed within 3 working days from the date of payment confirmation & you will receive the super student journal in your registered address within maximum of 7 days - 15 days depends on your location within India.
Payment Method 02: NEFT / RTGS / NET BANKING
Step 01: Make a payment of ₹734 (699₹ Planner Cost + 5% GST) to our company bank account either through RTGS / NEFT.
ACC NO: 8447192913
Branch : Shevapet
IFSC code:KKBK0008781
Bank: Kotak Mahindra Bank
After successful payment, Send the transaction proof along with correct shipping address, email number, valid phone number & pin code to our email -
Step 02: We will verify the payments, and generate manual order confirmation. Your shipping will be processed within 3 working days from the date of payment confirmation & you will receive the super student journal in your registered address within maximum of 7 days - 15 days depends on your location within India.
Payment Method 03: You can use the default payment method integrated within the website, using the product page.
Step 01: Visit our website home page
Step 02: Click Buy Now
Step 03: Enter Your Shipping Address
Step 04: Click continue Shipping
Step 05: Continue to payment
Step 06: Fill your debit card / credit card details
Step 07: Confirm your billing address
Step 08: Click Pay Now
Step 09: After payment, you will receive instant order confirmation email to your given email address along with Order ID.